Akeroyd Collection


Luke Willis Thompson

b. 1988, Auckland, New Zealand; lives and works in London, U.K.

Luke Willis Thompson is of Fijian and European descent and through film, photography and installation, he explores themes of identity, race, representation, and the social and political power dynamics at play within such explorations. Works often contend with violence and grief, where film and its staging offer poignant portrayals of resilience to the systemic violence faced by marginalized communities. His works often challenge conventional modes of representation and address the historical and contemporary legacies of colonialism and racism. Thompson has a keen interest in collaboration and engaging with individuals and communities directly affected by the issues he explores. He often attempts to give agency to his subjects in the artistic process, engendering a sense of respect and sensitivity with the issues he addresses which are largely other people’s stories and traumas. His artistic practice continues to push boundaries and provoke meaningful conversations about social justice and the human condition. Through his art, Thompson invites viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and consider alternative perspectives, aiming to foster empathy and understanding.

Luke Willis Thompson's recent exhibitions include (a) breathing: collective noun, Oslo (2021); Adjacency, Galerie Nagel Draxler Kabinett, Berlin (2019); Hysterical Strength, GAMeC, Bergamo (2019); Turner Prize, Tate Britain (2018); _Human, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel (2018); Luke Willis Thompson, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington (2018); autoportrait, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland; Chisenhale Gallery, London (2018); Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin (2016); Sao Paulo Bienial, Sao Paulo (2016); Misadventure, Institute of Modern Art (IMA), Brisbane (2016); Sucu Mate/Born Dead, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland (2016); and Sucu Mate, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Cologne (2015).

For further information about this artist please click here.

